
New Work in der Gastronomie: In 5 Schritten zu mehr Zufriedenheit am Arbeitsplatz
Gastro Hotel Ratgeber

New work in gastronomy: 5 steps to more job sat...

"New Work" and new work concepts are being talked about more and more frequently. We’ll tell you in 5 simple steps what exactly is behind the trend word and to...

New work in gastronomy: 5 steps to more job sat...

"New Work" and new work concepts are being talked about more and more frequently. We’ll tell you in 5 simple steps what exactly is behind the trend word and to...

6 hilfreiche Tipps für die Gastronomie in Corona-Zeiten
Gastro Ratgeber

6 helpful tips for gastronomy in Corona times

Whether masks are compulsory, illness, quarantine, working from home or even a drop in sales: the Corona crisis brings with it individual challenges for all of us. Fortunately, gastronomy and...

6 helpful tips for gastronomy in Corona times

Whether masks are compulsory, illness, quarantine, working from home or even a drop in sales: the Corona crisis brings with it individual challenges for all of us. Fortunately, gastronomy and...

5 unverzichtbare Tipps für nachhaltige Cocktails
Gastro Hotel Ratgeber

5 essential tips for sustainable cocktails

Sustainability in everyday life is trendy, but in German bars there is usually still room for improvement when it comes to environmental awareness. We'll tell you why conserving resources also...

5 essential tips for sustainable cocktails

Sustainability in everyday life is trendy, but in German bars there is usually still room for improvement when it comes to environmental awareness. We'll tell you why conserving resources also...

Plastiktütenverbot 2022: Das sind die nachhaltigen Alternativen zur Plastiktüte
Handel Ratgeber

Plastic bag ban in 2022: These are the sustaina...

The government is proactively taking further steps towards sustainability: The next step is to be the ban on single-use plastic bags this year. We explain to you exactly what the...

Plastic bag ban in 2022: These are the sustaina...

The government is proactively taking further steps towards sustainability: The next step is to be the ban on single-use plastic bags this year. We explain to you exactly what the...

Mikroplastik und seine Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Umwelt: Wie gefährlich die Kunststoff-Teilchen für uns wirklich sind
Deepdive Handel

Microplastic and its effects on people and the ...

In cosmetics, clothing and also in our food - microplastics accompany us in everyday life without us seeing it. But how dangerous are the particles really for us? We clarify...

Microplastic and its effects on people and the ...

In cosmetics, clothing and also in our food - microplastics accompany us in everyday life without us seeing it. But how dangerous are the particles really for us? We clarify...

7 einfache Ideen für mehr Nachhaltigkeit im Office

7 simple ideas for more sustainability in the o...

You separate your rubbish at home with triple checks and haven't bought plastic bottles for years? praiseworthy! Unfortunately, in most offices there is still room for improvement when it comes...

7 simple ideas for more sustainability in the o...

You separate your rubbish at home with triple checks and haven't bought plastic bottles for years? praiseworthy! Unfortunately, in most offices there is still room for improvement when it comes...